How to Draw a Cartoon Chick
(the Easy Way)
Why not hatch a plan to learn how to draw a cartoon chick? It's easy if
you follow
our step-by-step guide and you'll soon be flapping your wings as you
impress friends and family with your cracking creative skills!

STEP-1: Coming out of your Shell with some
Basic Shapes
The first part of our lesson in how to draw a cartoon chick is to
sketch some basic shapes which we can then build upon to create our
feathered lil' friend. Draw a large circle for the head and sketch two
small circles for the eyes. The head is drawn slightly in profile, so
make the eye on the right smaller than the one on the left.
Egg-cellent! Now, draw a 'U' shape at the bottom left of the head –
this will form the basis for our chick's wing.

STEP-2: Don't Flap, Let's add some more Details!
Now we've got the basic shapes for our cartoon chick, let's add some
more features to our feathered friend to make this cute character more
Starting with the head, draw some lines above the eyes
give our chick expression lines.Our baby chicken looks a little angry,
don't you think? That's because this particular chick is auditioning
for a part in the famous computer game Angry Birds and has to perfect a
decent scowl….or, should that be fowl?
Next, it's time to draw the beak – an essential feature
of any cartoon
chick. This is basically a triangular shape as in our illustration.
Now let's add our feathered friend's body by drawing an irregular
circular shape just a little larger than the head. Draw a jagged line
like a mountain range at the rear to represent feathers.

STEP-3: Giving our Cartoon Chick some Real Character
Our cartoon chick's looking great so far. Now, it's time to add to
those details we sketched in the previous step and get cracking so our
feathered friend can leave the nest! Remember the beak? Let's finish
this off by drawing the bottom part – a line underneath which meets the
main beak.
Our cartoon chick may have wings, but she's also lacking
two vital
things – her legs. Draw two 'W' shapes at the base of the body,
remembering to make these short and stout – these will form the top of
our cartoon chick's legs. There – we're almost ready to take flight!

STEP-4: Flock Together for the Finishing Touches
Our cartoon chick is almost ready to rock with her flock, but before
that, we just need to add some feet to our feathered friend. At the
base of the legs you drew in the previous step, sketch in the rest of
the legs and two feet, as in our illustration.
Draw the one as if seen
from the front and the other as if seen from the side. Chicks and
chickens use their feet or claws for digging up tasty worms or grubs to
eat, so these are 'eggs'-tremely useful to our feathered friends!Now,
get your colored pens ready as we move into the final stages of our
lesson in how to draw a cartoon chick!

STEP-5: Get Cracking with some Color
Now that you've finished the drawing of our cartoon chick, it's time to
pick up a pen and get busy laying down some color!Use a dark brown for
the outline, then rub out any lines you don't need.
Next, take a bright
yellow pen and color in our cartoon chick's body. Take a lighter shade
of brown and color in the beak, then a darker one for our feathered
friend's legs.
Finally, color in the eyes using a black pen,
remembering to leave a
small area white to represent highlights. Game, set and hatch! Our cute
cartoon chick is now ready to leave the nest and hang out with her
Now you've learned how to draw a cartoon chick, why not
try drawing
some more farmyard animals from our series of easy-to-follow lessons?