How to Draw a Cartoon Frog
(the Easy Way)
Hop on in, the water's fine! Learning how to draw a cartoon frog is as
easy as sitting on a lily pad once you've followed these simple steps.
So, let's jump to it and get started on another awesome illustration
that will make your friends and family green with envy!

STEP-1: Fabulous Frog Basics
the Basics
The first part in how to draw a cartoon frog prince is really simple –
just draw a heart shape as in our illustration. It may not look like
much, but this will give us a good basis for the rest of our amphibian

STEP-2: Adding Some Frog Features
Now we've got the basic shape, let's start adding some features to our
cartoon frog to bring him to life. First of all, draw two small circles
for the eyes, followed by a large mouth just below. Frogs need a big
mouth for catching all those flies, so make this stretch almost from
one side of the head to the other. For the next step in how to draw a
cartoon frog, draw a curved line on the body – this will eventually
form our
cartoon frog's chest. Finally in this stage, draw two curved lines as
in our illustration which will eventually become our riverside royal's

STEP-3: Putting More Features on Our Frog Prince
In the famous fairy tale, The Frog Prince, the frog turns into a
handsome prince once kissed by a beautiful princess. However, our
cartoon frog isn't ready to turn into a human just yet – he's happy
wearing the crown for now! Let's start drawing this by sketching in two
vertical lines above the head.
Then, draw two nostrils just beneath the
eyes and another line in the middle of the mouth. Anyone who's seen
Kermit The Frog on the Muppets will know that frogs just love to talk
and with a mouth this big, who can blame them?
Now, let's finish off the arms we drew earlier, remembering to make
them quite small.

STEP-4: The Crowning Glory – Adding More Detail to Our Cartoon Frog For our next step in learning how to draw a cartoon frog, it's time to crown our frog prince. Draw three upside-down 'V' shapes
with a couple of smaller shapes behind to complete his royal headwear –
awesome!Next, begin drawing those powerful back legs by sketching in a
series of curved lines just beneath the arms as in our illustration.

STEP-5: These Feet Were Made For Jumpin'! Isn't it fun learning how to draw a cartoon frog? Our cartoon frog prince is looking ready to take his rightful place on
the riverbank, but first, we need to finish off the rear legs and
sketch in some wonderful webbed feet! To do this, draw the shape of a
foot for each one, followed by two curves on each. Our cartoon frog
needs these webbed feet to propel him through the water, but some
tree-dwelling frogs also use these as parachutes to glide through the

STEP-6: Coloring in Our Cartoon Frog Prince
Now that our drawing is finished, it's time to complete our amphibian
artwork with a splash of color. And, guess which color we'll be using?
That's right – green! First of all, draw around the outline of the body
in dark green, then rub out any lines you don’t need. Next, take a dark
brown pen and draw the outline of the crown – splendid!
Now, it's time to jump to it and color in the body of
our cartoon frog
prince – take a nice bright shade and fill in everywhere apart from the
chest area.
Next, select a lighter shade of green for the chest,
then color in the
mouth and nostrils using a medium shade of green.
Finally, no prince is complete without a crown, so color this in using
a bright yellow, followed by a light brown color for the points at the
back – notice how this makes it look really 3D?
You did it! You know how to draw a cartoon frog. Our cartoon frog prince is now ready to leap from lily
pad to
riverbank! We hope you enjoyed taking the plunge and learning how to
draw him. Why not try drawing some lily pads and water? Remember, the
more you practice, the better an artist you'll be! Feel free to jump to
our next lesson!