How to Draw a Cartoon Giraffe
(the Easy Way)
Stand tall! It's time to learn how to draw a cartoon giraffe – the
tallest animal in the land! This awesome creature is native to Africa
and instantly recognizable thanks to her long neck and distinctive
markings. So, let's rise above the rest and get our pencils at the
ready as you add another amazing animal to your portfolio!

STEP-1: The Long and Short of it – Giraffe
The first part of learning how to draw a cartoon giraffe is to sketch
out that amazingly long neck, which our African princess needs to reach
the tastiest leaves in the tree! She could easily be a model with her
stature and graceful poise.First of all, draw an oval shape for the
head, followed by a long neck which meets in a curve at the bottom. We
now have the basis for another amazing animal illustration!

STEP-2: Adding Some More Features to our African
Now we've got the basics, it's time to add some more features to our
cartoon giraffe to make her stand head and shoulders above the rest!At
the top of the head, draw a small curved line, then draw two circles
for her eyes followed by a curved box shape for the mouth.
For the next step in how to draw a cartoon giraffe, draw two angular
lines either side of the body – these will
eventually form our graceful giant's front legs or arms. Finally, draw
two curved vertical lines at the bottom of the body which are the
beginning of the back legs.Our cartoon giraffe will soon be standing

STEP-3: Creating Some Features for our Leggy Lady
Now, you may have thought our cartoon giraffe was looking more like an
ostrich in the last step and you'd be right! However, it's time to
change that now by adding some features unique to this amazing
creature.Starting at the top of the head, draw two horns with flat
Are you enjoying learning how to draw a cartoon giraffe?
Now, draw two small oval shapes for the nostrils, followed by a
short vertical line beneath for our leggy lady's mouth. Did you know
giraffes have muscles in their nostrils which allow them to open or
close them? This is thought to protect them in sandstorms!
Change the basic shape of the head slightly as in our illustration –
note how we've made the jawline more angular in our illustration.
Once you've done this, it's time to finish off the legs of our cartoon
giraffe. Make them long and spindly – a giraffe can grow as tall as six

STEP-4: Let's Give our Giraffe Some Personality!
Now we've got the outline of the body all sketched out, let's add some
more details to give our African princess some personality! Starting
with the head, draw two large ears either side and draw a smaller shape
inside each to represent the inner ear of our cartoon giraffe.
For the next step in how to draw a cartoon giraffe, add
two short angled lines for eyebrows, followed by two circles
with smaller ones inside for the eyes. We can also add some more lines
around the eyes and nose to give the face some real form.
After this, draw a hoof on the end of each leg, giving our cartoon
giraffe two 'toes' on each. Did you know giraffes can reach a speed of
60 km per hour when sprinting?
This is one fast lady!
On the body, draw an irregular shape for the chest, followed by a tail
towards the bottom left of the body – remember to make the end bushy.
When galloping, a giraffe's tail will curl up to make her more

STEP-5: Adding Those Unique Markings to our Cartoon Giraffe
Now that we're almost done sketching out our cartoon giraffe, we need
to add those distinctive markings so she really cuts a dash in the
desert!Draw a series of irregular shapes all over the neck and body
stopping just at the top of the legs. Our leggy lady is now suitably
camouflaged and looking very fashionable – stripes are so last season!
Awesome! Our drawing is all done and so now all we need to do is color
in our cartoon giraffe to make her really stand out.

STEP-6: Getting Groovy With Some Giraffe Color!
Out cartoon giraffe always likes to look like she's the height of
fashion, so to cut a dash on the catwalk and at home in the plains of
Africa, we need to add some vibrant color to finish off her
super-stylish look! First of all, draw around the outline in dark
purple, then rub out any lines you don't need.
Next, take your favorite
blue and color in the body, leaving her chest and distinctive markings
blank for now.
Select a light purple for the inner ears, then choose a nice bright
pink for the nose and color in the nostrils using a dark brown. Choose
a gray for the eyebrows and the area around the eyes, then use this
same color for the markings of our cartoon giraffe and the end of her
tail. She's looking swish!
Finally, add a dash of high fashion by coloring the
hooves in green.
Our cartoon giraffe is finished and ready to stroll out majestically on
the plain! Aren't you glad you learned how to draw a cartoon
Now you've created such a fashion icon, why not try
drawing some trees
around her? Remember, this classy lady always reaches for the stars and
selects the tastiest leaves!