How to Draw a Cartoon Gorilla
(the Easy Way)
It's time to beat your chest and grab a bunch of bananas as you learn
how to draw a cartoon gorilla! There's no time for monkey business,
especially as a gorilla isn't a monkey at all – this mean-looking dude
belongs the family of primates known as apes. So, grab your pencils,
come out of the mist and let's get sketching!

STEP-1: Go go Gorilla! Sketching out the
Basic Sh-ape!
The first part of learning how to draw a cartoon gorilla is to sketch
out the basic sh-apes (geddit?) of our very own King Kong! First of
all, draw a large teardrop shape as in our illustration, followed by a
small oval on the right-hand side just a little above the middle. It
may not look much like a gorilla yet, but once you've followed our easy
steps, you'll soon be the king of the swingers!

STEP-2: Create a Rumble in the Jungle by Adding
More Details
Now we've got our basic shapes, let's add to our cartoon gorilla by
sketching in some instantly recognizable features!First of all, make
the line at the top of the head jagged to represent fur.
Then, draw a
shape like a pair of sunglasses just above the small oval. While we're
here, draw a box shape at the top of the oval as in our illustration -
-this will eventually form our awesome ape's nostrils! For the next step in how to draw a cartoon gorilla, draw a small curved shape for the ear, followed by a hand with
three fingers on the right-hand side of the body. Finally, draw another
large, slightly jagged curve in the bottom left of the body for our big
buddy's leg.

STEP-3: Let's Give Our Cartoon Gorilla Some More Features
Wow, our cartoon gorilla is really starting to look awesome! Let's now
add some more features to this jungle giant to make our drawing really
stand out! Remember the sunglasses shape you drew in the previous step?
Let's now give our gorilla some eyebrows by drawing two short
horizontal lines.
Next, draw two small shapes for the nostrils, followed
by another small curve inside the shape you drew for the ear.
Gorillas use their amazingly strong arms for swinging, climbing and
beating their chests as a warning to others – this bad boy is not to be
messed with! Add the arm on the right-hand side by drawing a curved
shape which meets up with the hand. Then, draw a short horizontal curve
just to the left of this shape – our cartoon gorilla is now bending his
For the other arm, draw two vertical lines – one almost straight and
the other made up of two curved lines. Finally, sketch in a foot at the
bottom, followed by a curved 'W' shape to give our cartoon gorilla's
body some form.

STEP-4: Adding Personality to our Jungle Giant
The next stage in learning how to draw a cartoon gorilla is to add some
expression and personality to our awesome ape. Did you know that the
DNA of gorillas is incredibly similar to humans?
So, let's start adding
some features to our jungle relative by sketching in two small circles
for the eyes, right beneath the eyebrows we drew earlier. Add two small
dots in the middle of each for our big buddy's pupils.
Next, draw a horizontal curve for the mouth – make this curve downwards
at each end to give our jungle giant a mean expression! Then, draw a jagged line at the base of the arm on the left-hand side
and the leg on the right to represent fur or hair, then add another
curved line for the belly, followed by a belly button at the bottom.
Finally, add some more detail to the left-hand foot by sketching in
three toes.

STEP-5: Finishing Features of our Awesome Ape!
Get some bananas peeled and ready – our cartoon gorilla is nearly ready
to swing down from the trees or scale a skyscraper! All we need to do
now is draw the hand on the left-hand side, adding three fingers like
the one on the right.
Did you know gorillas have fingerprints similar
to ours and have even been seen to create tools in the wild to help
them cross rivers and go about their daily business?
Finally, add another foot on the right-hand side, drawn as if seen from
the side as in our illustration. Our cartoon gorilla is almost good to

STEP-6: Let's go ape With Color!
The final part of how to draw a cartoon gorilla is to go ape
with color! Draw around the outline in dark brown, then rub out any
lines you don't need.
Next, take your favorite orange pen and color in
the body, leaving the ear, belly, face, hands and feet blank – we'll go
crazy with those in a second.
Use a light tan color for our jungle giant's face, then use a black pen
for the eyebrows and nostrils. Then, use a darker tan for the ear,
belly, hands and feet and use another darker shade for the belly
button, inner ear and the toes on the right-hand foot. Our cartoon gorilla is ready to rock and he sure looks awesome! Now
that you've impressed your friends and family with your epic artistic
skills, why not try drawing some trees around our jungle giant? You
could also draw some more gorillas to keep our big buddy company – just
like us, gorillas love to hang out with their friends!