How to Draw a Cartoon Hawk
(the Easy Way)
It's time to spread your wings and get creative by learning how to draw
a cartoon hawk! This awesome aviator is one of the most well-known
birds of prey and now, you can be flying high when you follow our
simple steps and create an epic illustration of this amazing creature.

STEP-1: Learning to Fly With Some Basic
Are you ready for take-off? The first stage of learning how to draw a
cartoon hawk is to sketch out some basic shapes which will eventually
take flight into an amazing illustration! To begin with, draw a large
oval or egg shape, followed by an angular line above it. These will
form the basis for our heroic hawk.

STEP-2: Adding Detail to our Feathered
Now we've got the basics, let's ruffle some feathers and add more
detail to our cartoon hawk by sketching in some more lines.Continue the
angled line you drew in the first step by drawing another line which
meets the body. You can also draw our awesome aviator's beak at this
stage – it's a kind of 'V' shape.
Then, taking the oval shape as your basis, sketch in a
jagged line
around the chest to represent feathers.
For the next step in how to draw a cartoon hawk, draw a
wing so our heroic cartoon hawk can take flight – again,
make the lines jagged to represnet feathers. An American Red-tailed
Hawk has a wingspan of up to 145 cm and can fly at speeds of up to 64
km per hour!
Finally in this stage, add a tail at the base of the body and make the
end jagged. Our cartoon hawk is really starting to take shape. We're
nearly ready for lift-off!

STEP-3: Giving our High-flying Hero a Face
Are you enjoying learning how to draw a cartoon hawk? Now that our
cartoon hawk is coming along so well, let's swoop down and
take a closer look at our high-flying hero. First of all, he needs a
face! Start off by drawing two eyebrows as in our illustration, then
add some more detail to the beak so we end up with an upper and lower
Next, draw a couple more lines on the wing and rub out
the lines of the
body beneath. While we're here, lets add some more detail to the, erm,
tail of our cartoon hawk – draw three upside-down 'U' shapes to
represent these feathers.
Now, it's time to give our bird of prey some legs.
Starting at the base
of the body, draw one leg at a slight angle and the other one behind
Make the line of the angled leg jagged at the end to represent feathers
and then, draw the beginnings of two feet beneath the legs by sketching
in some talons or claws – our cartoon hawk is going to need these for
perching and grabbing his prey! Just draw three teardrop shapes as in
our illustration.

STEP-4: Making our Cartoon Hawk Look Mean by Adding Personality
To keep up his reputation as a fearsome bird of prey, our heroic
cartoon hawk needs to look lean, mean and keen to go hunting - this
bird is not to be messed with! So, to add a mean expression, draw in
eyes as two small irregular circles directly beneath the eyebrows –
notice how much this has changed our feathered friend's expression? Put
a dot in the middle of each eye to complete the impression.
For the next step in how to draw a cartoon hawk, make the top of the head jagged to represent
feathers, then draw
three curved lines on the wing so we end up with a similar effect to
the tail.
After this, we're ready to finish off the legs. Draw four short
vertical lines as in our illustration, then sketch in some large feet
around the talons we drew earlier.
There, our cartoon hawk is almost ready to swoop through the
skies – all
we need to do now is add some awesome color to finish off our

STEP-5: Taking Flight by Going Crazy With Color!
Now that we've sketched out our cartoon hawk, let's spread our wings
and really bring this awesome aviator to life by going crazy with
color!First of all, draw around the outline in dark brown, then rub out
any lines to don't need.
Next, color in the body using a medium shade of brown,
then select a
darker shade of this color for the eyebrows, the tips of the wing and
tail and the leg on the left-hand side – this creates an impression of
After this, color in that huge beak with a light yellow, and then
choose a darker shade of this color for the feet of our cartoon
Finally, choose a nice dark gray for those
fearsome-looking talons –
our bird of prey is ready to take flight and soar into the sky!
We hope you enjoyed learning how to draw a cartoon hawk! Why not try
drawing some trees or coloring in some sky around him? See you next
time for more high-flying creative fun!