How to Draw a Cartoon Owl
(the Easy Way)
Day or night, learning how to draw a cartoon owl will help your
skills soar! Follow our simple steps to drawing one of the wisest and
most intriguing birds on Earth.
twoo! Since the days of
Ancient Greece, mankind has associated owls with wisdom and mystery.
there’s nothing mysterious about our step-by-step guide to drawing one
of our
feathered friends – follow these instructions and you’ll soon be flying
Owls have featured in a wide range of cartoons and films, from Disney
right up to the present day Harry Potter epics. And soon, you’ll be
able to add
your own wise owl to this role call…

STEP-1: Start with the Head and Body Shapes
For our first step in learning how to draw a cartoon owl,
let’s start by drawing some simple shapes for our awesome owl’s head
and body –
draw a box shape and a large oval shape beneath. Then, draw a large ‘U’
in the middle of the body to represent the chest feathers.

STEP-2: The Eyes and the Feet
Now, let’s add some more details. The owl’s ‘ruff’ is the circular
formation of feathers around the eyes which actually help our wise
buddy to hear and hunt – draw two egg shapes inside the box we drew
earlier for the head.
Then, draw two smaller egg shapes inside for the eyes.
We can also add the feet or claws at this stage – at this stage, they
should look a little like clenched fists. What’s that you say?
You think our owl looks more like a smiling frog? Well,
I guess at this stage, he does! That’s the interesting thing about
learning how to draw a cartoon owl – sometimes, what you begin with can
change beyond all
recognition by the time you’ve finished. We’ll discover this in the
next step…

STEP-3: The Eyes and Beak
Our next step in learning how to draw a cartoon owl
is adding some more features to our feathered
friend and make him look more like a wise owl than a grinning frog!
Let’s add the ears by drawing two pointed shapes either side of the
head. Owls have an awesome sense of hearing which comes in very handy
when they’re scouring the forest floor for something tasty to eat. For
the eyes, draw two circles inside the egg shapes we drew earlier.
In the middle of the eyes, draw a nice pointed beak. We
can now take the frog’s smile and turn it into our owl’s chest feathers
by continuing the line so we end up with a jagged circlular shape.
There, now he looks much more like an owl and a lot less like a frog,
wouldn’t you agree?
We can also add some more detail to his feet or
talons, by adding six sharp claws and some vertical lines. Our wise
friend is a legend when it comes to math and likes to perch on a tree
branch while working out complicated equations! So, sketch the branch
in so it looks as if the owl is holding on to it.

STEP-4: The Final Touches
We’re almost there! Let’s fininsh off the eyes by
drawing some ‘eyelids’ at the top and another smaller circle inside
each eye. Add another jagged line in the chest area to give texture to
our smart buddy’s chest feathers.
To make it look as if the owl’s legs
are in the foreground, draw two vertical lines each side of the feet.
And, while we’re here, let’s finish off our math expert’s body by
drawing a tail at the bottom – make this nice and jaggedy to represent
the feathers.
Wow! You're almost done learning how to draw a cartoon
owl. Your friends will think you’re almost as clever as
the awesome owl you’ve just drawn! It’s coloring in time – we’ve gone
for brown, but owls come in a wide variety of different shades
according to their natural habitat. Some have even got camouflage down
to a fine art so they can remain almost invisible to their
Color in the body using a darker shade and then use a
lighter color for our wise friend’s chest feathers – we can also use
this lighter color for the eyelids. Use a really dark color around the
eyes to make them really stand out and then do the eyes, beak and
talons in the same, light yellow color.Make the owl’s pupils black,
remembering to leave a white area to create a realistic highlight.
Finally, use a nice dark brown for the tree branch – you can also color
in the claws with this. There – all we need to do now is wait for night
time and then, our owl will be ready to fly! Twit twoo!