How to Draw a Cartoon Raccoon
(the Easy Way)
Wondering how to draw a cartoon raccoon? With that distinctive mask and
stripey tail, this raccoon is primed and ready for action. It’s no
co-incidence that Bruce Willis was chosen for the voice of RJ the
raccoon in the 2006 Dreamworks movie, Over The Hedge - these cute
critters are always up to something and love to be in the centre of any
Indeed, raccoons have featured heavily in a wide range
stories, songs and movies over the centuries, with some native
Americans believing they had special powers! So, pencils at the ready –
let’s get started with our simple guide on how to draw a raccoon!

STEP-1: Sketching out the Basic Shapes
First of all, let’s begin by sketching out a series of oval shapes or
eggs – these will form the basis of our raccoon’s body and help us
create our awesome drawing.

STEP-2: Turning Raccoon into Reality
Those basic oval shapes don’t look like much, but they sure are useful
when helping us create our character. Starting with the shape on the
left, make this more of a paddle shape – this will be our raccoon’s
For our next step in learning how to draw a cartoon
raccoon, let’s add some ears by drawing two upside-down ‘V’
shapes either side of the head. Taking the circle as our basis, we can
now also make this more irregular and add some jagged lines on the top
and at the side to represent our raccoon’s fur.
This cute critter’s head is actually quite box-shaped,
so bear this in mind when drawing in the cheeks. At the bottom left of
the circle we drew for the body, sketch in the leg by drawing a curved
line with a foot at the bottom.

STEP-3: Spring into Action with More Detail!
When learning how to draw a raccoon, the most important feature
everyone will recognize is the broad, stripey tail.
So, let’s add this
now by drawing four lines spaced almost equally apart. When hanging out
in the forests of North America, our raccoon likes to be able to hear
where the action is – luckily, these cute critters have an awesome
sense of hearing and can even detect the sound of earthworms moving
underground! Finish the ears by drawing two jagged lines
inside the
larger shapes we drew earlier.
For the eyes, draw two egg shapes
roughly in the middle of the head – raccoons can see well in twilight
(ideal for those secretive missions in the forest) but aren’t too good
at seeing long distances.
Add a nose by drawing an upside-down
triangle. Now, it’s time to add an arm – draw two ‘V’ shapes – one
above the other – then add a paw. Raccoons have an incredible sense of
touch and are kitted out with hyper-sensitive pads. In fact, they can
even detect what an object is before touching it!
How cool is that?

STEP-4: Raccoons at the Ready!
Now you’ve mastered the basics of how to draw a raccoon, let’s add some
more features to really bring this furry forest dude to life! Sketch in
that all-important mask around the eyes – this instantly recogizable
feature is the reason raccoons are often portrayed as mischievous in
folklore. Maybe they are – they’re certainly pretty smart and can
remember a variety of tasks!
For the eyelids, draw four curved lines in the middle
of each eye, then add two small circles for the pupils.
For our next step in learning how to draw a cartoon raccoon, let’s draw our rad raccoon’s mouth – sketch two
squared off ‘U’ shapes with a ‘V’ shape underneath for the chin.
Remember the arm we drew earlier? It’s time to add another, which is
basically the same shape in reverse – we want it to look as if our
forest friend is clasping his paws together as he hatches another
action-packed plan! Remember to draw in our raccoon’s toes.
At this stage, we can also draw the underside of our
raccoon’s belly or chest bu drawing an upside-down ‘U’ shape as in the
illustration. Draw another leg on the right-hand side and our rad
raccoon is nearly ready for some coloring action! Having drawn the
outline in black, rub out any lines you no longer need and then select
a nice mid-gray color for our furry friend’s head, tail and
Once this is done, use a darker gray for the stripes on
the tail and that rather stylish mask. Color the eyes and nose in
black, remembering to leave a small area near the top white to
represent highlights. Finally, select a lighter shade of gray for our
raccoon’s chest and there it is – you’re good to go! Now you’ve learned
how to draw a cartoon raccoon, let’s see what exciting adventures and
mischief our furry friend can get up to…