How to Draw a Cartoon Skunk
(the Easy Way)
Eeeeew! What’s that smell? Despite being stinky, skunks have always
been popular charcters in cartoons and movies, from Flower and Miss
Skunk in Walt Disney’s Bambi, through to Pepe Le Pew, the famous Warner
Bros. character, right up to the present day in animations such as
Madagascar and Over The Hedge. Now, it’s time to hold your nose, pick
up a pencil and learn how to draw one of these distinctive polecats and
add your character to the skunk hall of fame!

STEP-1: Drawing the Basic Shapes
Let’s keep it real simple to begin with – simply draw two ovals or egg
shapes. These will form the basis for our lesson in how to draw a
cartoon skunk.

STEP-2: Adding the First Features!
Appropriately enough for an animal associated with smell, we’re going
to start by drawing a nose. Taking the top oval as our basis, draw the
shape of our smelly buddy’s head and then add the nose roughly halfway
down. Join the two oval shapes together with some curved lines and
there you go – our cartoon skunk is beginning to take shape!

STEP-3: Adding the Tail and other Details
Apart from a ‘unique’ taste in perfume, our skunk’s most distinguishing
feature is that big, bushy tail. Draw a large paddle shape as in our
For the next step in how draw a cartoon skunk, make the
top of the head quite jagged, turning our character into a punk skunk!
At this stage, we can also draw the distinctive marking at the top of
the head – simply draw two curved lines which meet the nose.
Add some ears by drawing two upside-down ‘V’ shapes on
each side of the head, then give our skunk a smile by drawing a curved
line or arc just beneath the nose. Skunks are always smiling – probably
because they know they’re safe from most predators because of their
smelly scent! Finally, sketch in the top of the legs by drawing two
curved lines at the base of the body.

STEP-4: It’s time to Punk up our Skunk!
Learning how to draw a cartoon skunk is all about adding those
distinguishing features (apart from the smell!) so let’s do that by
drawing in the skunk’s distinctive stripe on the tail. Remember to make
the line nice and jagged to represent fur.
Next, draw two angled lines for the eyebrows – our skunk
is a cunning creature, so we need to give him a slightly mischievous
look. Underneath, draw two small circles for the eyes – skunks have
poor eyesight and cannot see further than three meters away, so it’s
just as well they have awesome senses of hearing and smell!
Next, let’s add an arm – sketch this in as a kind of ‘V’
shape on the left-hand side of the body and draw three ‘fingers’ on the
hand. Now, let’s add another distinctive white stripe on the chest and
finish of the legs we started earlier – skunks have strong legs for
digging and have made their homes all across America, Indonesia and the

STEP-5: The not So Sweet Smell of Success!
Our furry buddy may not smell so great, but he sure
looks awesome! Now, all we need to do is add a few finishing touches
before adding some color to our punk skunk!
Draw the other arm in a similar style to the one on the
left and make it look as if our skunk is clasping his or her hands
together while they think up a plan for some more mischief.
Now, it’s time for the grand fragrant finale of our
lesson in how to draw a cartoon skunk - get those colors at the ready
and let’s get going!
First, draw the outline in black and then select a dark
gray color for the body. Color the nose in black and then use an even
lighter shade of gray for the striped areas. There, our punk skunk is
ready to rock! You can stop holding your nose now and reveal the latest
addition to your portfolio of awesome cartoon characters to your
friends and family!