How to Draw a Cartoon Snake
(the Easy Way)
Look into my eyessssshhhhhh, you’re feeling sssshhhhhleeepy! The snake,
Kaa, from Disney’s The Jungle Book, was well known for his hypnotic
eyes and now it’s time to mezmerize your friends and family with your
awesome drawing skills as you learn how to draw a cartoon snake, one of
these fascinating creatures. Go right ahead - he won’t bite!

STEP-1: Basic Shape of our Snake
For our first step in how to draw a cartoon snake, we’ll start off nice
an easy with a simple curved line. This will give you a basis to work
from and help you create a stunning serpent everyone will be impressed

STEP-2: Creating our Slippery Friend
Isn’t it exciting learning how to draw a cartoon snake? Snakes are
found on most continents and islands apart from Antarctica – they
obviously don’t like the cold too much! We can fill out our snake’s
body by sketching in more detail to bring our character to
of all, let’s start with the head. Taking the top of the curved line
you drew earlier as your basis, add in those all-important hypnotic
eyes by drawing two oval shapes which are pointed at the bottom. As you
can see, the eye on the left is seen from the side, so we don’t need to
draw all of this.
Now let’s add a smile by drawing a curved line near the
bottom of our slippery friend’s head. Using the long part of the curve
as our basis, draw in the rest of the body by drawing two similar lines
spaced roughly the same distance apart.
Continue the first curved line
we drew so you end up with the base of our snake’s tail, then draw a
horizontal line at the bottom, so our character looks as if he’s on the

STEP-3: Adding some Detail and Charming Colors
This snake could charm anybody with his friendly smile and hypnotic
eyes! Let’s add some more details to our super serpent by working on
those mezmerising eyes. Most snakes can track movement pretty well – in
fact, the snakes you see being charmed in India are reacting to the
movement of the flute rather than it’s actual sound!
Draw another
curved line inside the pointed oval shape you drew earlier, then draw
two horizontal curved lines to represent the iris – we’ll color the
rest in black later.
Once you’ve done this, you can draw two small ovals for
the nostrils – snakes use their sense of smell to track their prey and
also rely on their forked tongues to collect airborne particles! Having
finished the nostrils, it’s time to move on to the fangs! These are
very important to our slippery friend, as some snakes use these to
deliver a vemomous bite to their prey.
To add the fangs, draw two ‘V’ shapes, remembering to
make the point nice and sharp. Now, it’s time to draw the snake’s
famous forked tongue. Draw two curved lines which go up a the end, then
finish it off with a small ‘U’ shape – our snake has now got his hiss!
Finish off the body by drawing a series of curved horizontal lines
spaced evenly apart.
We’re almost done learning how to draw a cartoon snake,
let’s draw the end of our super serpent’s tail. Remember to make the
end pointed as in our illustration – our snake will need this when
slithering across the ground, detecting vibrations and performing a
series of movements that would put many a streetdancer to shame, such
as the sidewinder and concertina.
And now, get your coloring pens at the ready as we
prepare for the final and most fun part of learning how to draw a
cartoon snake! Vipers, adders, phythons – there are more than 2,900
species of snake that come in all kinds of colors and markings. Our
snake is green, but you can go wild with any color you like! Rub out
any lines you don’t need, and then draw the outline using black.
Next, color our slippery friend’s body in, remembering
to leave the front part of the belly blank so we can finish this off
with a different color. Use a lighter shade of the main body color for
our snake’s eyelids, then color in the iris area in light blue. Fill in
the pupils using black, remembering to leave a small area white to
represent highlights. Pick a nice red for the tongue, then color in the
belly. We’ve used light yellow, but again, this can be any color you
Great! Our buddy is now ready to slide off and charm
some more people! There you go, now you know how to draw a cartoon
snake. Why not practice drawing different colored snakes?