How to Draw a Cartoon Lamb
Step by Step
Learn how to draw a cartoon lamb with a quirky style that’s all her
own. This luscious lamb is not about
following the flock. And, with her fabulous fleece, bright bow and
super-chic handbag from Louis Mouton, she’s ready to gambol in spring,
summer, fall or winter! So, don’t be sheepish – follow our simple steps
and we’ll be creating an awesome drawing of our legendary lamb in no

STEP-1: Start with the Simple Shapes
Let’s start this lesson on how to draw a cartoon lamb by drawing the head and body. Sketch out two
shapes – a
smaller, egg-style shape for the head (notice how it’s at an angle) and
a larger, pebble shape for our lamb’s body.
Lambs and sheep are ruminants, which means they have
four sections in
their stomachs for digesting food! So, make sure you make the body nice
and big to accommodate all that grass and hay!

STEP-2: The Arm and Face Details
Ready for the next step in learning how to draw a cartoon lamb? Let’s
add a little detail. Start by drawing
two curvy lines either side of the head for our lovely lamb’s ears.
Then, add the central knot of her pretty bow in the middle of her head
at the top.
Next, draw her eye (an egg shape with pointed ends) and
sketch in her nose by drawing a ‘V’ shape with a short vertical line
underneath. We’ll also add a leg – imagine you’re drawing two birds
flying sideways.

STEP-3: Adding more Details!
She’s looking awesome already! Now, let’s continue adding some more
details. Finish off the ear on the left by drawing another curvy line
from the tip of the line you drew earlier – it should end up looking
similar to a cow’s horn.
Then, finish that beautiful bow by drawing two irregular
triangle shapes which meet the central knot – note how the bow on the
right has a wavy edge to represent the curve of the fabric. Let’s draw
her right ear in a similar way to the left.
Did you notice our lamb’s lashes? Draw these with a
jagged line like a mini mountain range. Being a superstar on the party
circuit, our lamb is always ready with a smile for the cameras – you
can draw this by sketching two curves at the bottom of the nose with
another larger curve beneath.
If she’s holding a Louis Mouton handbag, she’s going to
need a hoof, right? Draw this as if you’re sketching a square but make
the bottom line wavy. No self-respecting lamb would be seen without her
soft fleece and to draw this, imagine you’re drawing a cloud – this
will give you just the right texture. There, we now have a perfect
wooly jumper!

STEP-4: Cleaning Up
She’s really starting to take shape. Add some more detail to the ears
by drawing two smaller curves just beneath. Lambs and sheep have
excellent hearing – how else would our party girl keep up to date with
all the latest celebrity gossip?
While we’re here, let’s add a wooly touch to the top of
her head – just draw another cloud-like shape above the bow. Now, it’s
time to add some detail to the eyes. At the left of her head, draw a
curvy line to represent her other eye – she’s got excellent peripheral
vision and can even see behind herself without turning her
Then, draw two circles inside the right eye, one smaller
than the other.
STEP-5: Finishing the Drawing
Finish off this lesson on how to draw a cartoon lamb by
drawing a tiny circle at the top of the second,
smaller circle – this will create a realistic highlight in our lamb’s
pupil. At the corner of our party girl’s mouth, draw a small expression
line and then, in the middle of the mouth, draw another curved line to
represent her teeth – she needs a good set of gnashers for chewing the
cud with her family and buddies!
To complete the mouth, draw a vertical line from just
beneath her nose to the tip of the bottom line of her mouth. She’s
ready for the Paparazzi!
Remember that famous Louis Mouton handbag? Let’s give
our girl some glam by adding it – draw an upside down ‘U’ shape will a
smaller one beneath for the handle, then draw the bottom three lines of
a box shape beneath. Finish off her hoof by drawing a vertical line in
the middle, and then add some more hooves at the base of her body by
drawing some similar shapes.
That's it! You've now finished learning how to draw a
cartoon lamb, so it's time to get out your coloring tools and give her
come color!